The fallout from Gaiman's ongoing sexual abuse allegations continues.

Neil Gaiman has come under fire in recent months owing to a barrage of sexual abuse allegations that span nearly 40 years. Back in August, two more women had come out with accusations against Gaiman, and in the time since then things haven't improved for the beleaguered writer. Word is that most projects involving Gaiman in TV and elsewhere have been effectively canceled or postponed indefinitely as the situation sorts itself out.

Now, speculation is that the Amazon Prime Video series Good Omens will be concluded with a very truncated third season. Rather than multiple episodes as TV seasons tend to be, Good Omens will get a final 90-minute episode. What's more, the episode will not involve Neil Gaiman in its production, although he apparently did contribute some writing. It hasn't been stated outright, but the nature of the situation is likely a result of the ongoing investigation into the allegations around Gaiman.
We'll continue to report as we learn more about the situation.
Source: Variety