The first issue of the series is out this Wednesday.
Comic book creator Rob Liefeld is getting ready to sharpen his pencil for one, last run with Marvel Comics. Starting with Deadpool Team-Up #1 this Wednesday, fans can look forward to this final arc from the writer and artist before he bows out for good from working with the House of Ideas. Liefeld had stated in the past that this would be his last work on Deadpool, the character he co-created with writer Fabian Nicieza, but now it seems that he feels this is the best time to depart from the publisher after a fruitful relationship that's lasted over 30 years.
Liefeld says that at 57 he doesn't foresee a lot of gas left in his tank to create all of the stories he would like to at the quality he wants before his hand-eye coordination deteriorates. With this last story, Liefeld says that this will allow him to go out on top. The creator says that he will elaborate on his post-Marvel retirements plans in a future episode of his Robservations podcast. In the meanwhile, we'll let you all know what we think of Deadpool Team-Up #1 later this week.
Source: Bleeding Cool