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Film Review Criteria

Below is how we score films here at Bits & Bytes. We grade movies on a scale 0f 1 to 10. If Bits & Bytes was invited to an early screening of a film, this will be noted in the review. However, all films are graded on the same criteria and this does not impact our recommendations.


  • 10: Masterpiece
    • A virtually flawless movie that will be remembered for generations to come.
  • 9: Brilliant
    • An amazing film with minimal flaws. Does something incredibly memorable, noteworthy, or both.

  • 8: Great
    • A movie with some flaws that are overcome by the sum of its parts.

  • 7: Good
    • A flawed film that entertains but is nothing special.

  • 6: Above Average
    • A movie whose flaws hold the production back, but can still mildly entertain.

  • 5: Average
    • Watchable but nothing more. Forgotten after a viewing.

  • 4: Bad
    • Full of​ flaws but still might warrant a watch out of curiosity.
  • 3: Terrible
    • Massively flawed movie is consistently unenjoyable to watch.​
  • 2: Laughable
    • So bad it can be entertaining, but likely not worth most people's time and money.​
  • 1: Unwatchable
    • Unmitigated failure.​
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